I'm going to combine these two Dendrobiums into one post, starting with D. sociale. Now, this is the second time I've tried sociale, the first time, it was doing well, but it was a few years ago when I was unsuccessfully battling spider mites, and yes, thin leaved Dens are very susceptable to them. They killed it. Since then, I've found a decent chemical that helps control them, so here I am trying again. Only one flower, and I guess most people wouldn't bother with this one, as the flowers aren't very big. But they are so intricate when you take the time to look at it. A couple pics, the first one is blurry, but was just trying to show the size of the bloom vs the plant. And then two close-ups of the flower, one straight on, and one showing the beautiful lip.
And second, a Dendrobium I received as a keikii from a friend in CA, labeld sp. unknown. It has now bloomed, and I think I know what it is, but I haven't compared it to the description yet, so I'll leave it as unknown. Two shots, a whole plant (still very very small) and a close-up of the flower.
And the final one for today. D. farmeri, mine is the pink one. (Noticing a pink trend today :) ). I've had this one for at least 5 years, and it is mounted. I leave this one outside year round, protected from watering during the cooler months. The leaves are pretty rough, but I wanted to highlight it as this is the best blooming I've ever had with it.
Hope you enjoy and take care.
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