One summer, I was having a pretty bad slug and snail problem. This was back when I lived in North Carolina. After trying bait, diatomaecous earth, beer, coffee grounds and who knows what else (none of which worked), I desparately tried a home remedy concoction. Do I even need to finish this story?
Well the concoction seemed like it killed baby slugs, but adult ones - no effect. I swear I could see them laughing at me :) But what it did do was remove the waxy protective coating off of 90% of my monopodials (no effect on the sympodials??), which all pretty much died within a couple weeks. You could actually see the difference in the leaves. The only ones that survived were 4 Vandas and 1 Aerangis. That is it.
Since then, I've only acquired one Angraecum - scottianum - as a very very small seedling. It actually has grown well for me, and just finally bloomed for the first time. I might have to start acquiring more again. 2 open flowers and 2 more buds on what is still a very small plant. I can't wait for it to grow up.